"Russian special military operation in the Ukraine – Day 19"
By Andrei Raevsky (a.k.a., "the Saker"
The Vinyhard of the Saker (March 15, 2022)

The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all account the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage which hit the Ukie forces in the town of Avdeevka was absolutely unprecedented and following this barrage the LDNR forces broke through 8 kilometers of just about the most heavily defended sectors in the entire theater or operations. The Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade (one of the most combat capable unit of the Ukrainian Army!) was defending this sector. According to reports, this entire brigade was basically wiped out.

Here is what you need to know about Avdeevka: this is the very heavily defended location from which the Ukronazis could unleash their terror against the civilians in Donetsk. Now that this entire town has been flattened, the people of Donetsk can now finally hope to live in relative (Ukie Smerch MLRS and Tochka-U missiles can still reach Donetsk!) peace.

So, not only did Russian encircle the entire Ukrainian forces in an operational cauldron, she then proceeded to cut that single force into two smaller cauldrons (but both still contained in the bigger, operational, cauldron) and now as a show of force, she destroyed the most combat capable Ukrainian unit in the most heavily defended town.

The “message” here is clear: we strongly encourage you to lay down arms or else…

One Ukrainian blogger even believes that there will soon be (or already are!) three mini-cauldrons (see map with cauldrons in blue).

However, as I mentioned before, we should not make too much of these or any other maps. We can use them to get a general sense of what is going on, but we should not use any of them to substantiate a conclusion, especially if that conclusion clashes with what we otherwise also know.

In the case of this map, what we see is a concerted effort to close down the entire Donbass cauldron and then move westward.

I won’t discuss what is happening on other part of the “front” (not an appropriate term for this type of conflict) but I might post one more map tonight if I come across an interesting one.

What about the informational war?

Well, inside Russia it is going rather well. Check out this (machine) translation of a recent article about public opinion by two different organizations:

So it appears that at least INSIDE Russia the Empire of Lies has lost the first PSYOP battles, but there will be many more to come, and the https://dxczjjuegupb.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Selection_217.jpgobjective reality the government is dealing with (The Empire of Lies wants to totally “cancel” Russia by any and all means) is tough. The economic decisions of the government in particular (we will have a translation about that soon) leaves a lot of very unpleasant questions, at least in my mind. But more about that later.

Outside Russia, the PSYOPs of the Empire of Lies did to Russia what the Russian military did to the Ukies in Avdeevka: comprehensively beat the crap out of Russia’s rather clumsy PR efforts. As a direct result, we now have Ze on the cover of magazines and 100’000 Brits volunteering to house Ukrainian refugees.

How noble indeed!

Modern Germany's hero: a Nazi Jew (got to love that!)

Too bad that the same generosity was never shown to the Russian people in many centuries of anti-Russian warfare…

I do not recall such noble feelings from ANYBODY when the Nazis were shelling the LDNR and when Poroshenko PUBLICLY promised that the kids of the Donbass would go to school not in Kindergartens, but in the bomb shelters. No, for some reason those 100’000 Brits did not offer to house them.

Clearly, Russian lives do not matter one bit. Not one.

I have to share with you that I am convinced that most people in Zone A truly and sincerely couldn’t care less about Russian lives, even innocent civilians can be murdered, tortured and otherwise disappears but that triggers no “teary eyes” in the West, not even from many Orthodox Christians.

As I have mentioned several times, this war has been a HUGE “coming out” for the West which now has shown its true face.

Putin put it best when he called it the Empire of Lies. But it is even more than that, it is also an Empire of Indifference. And, finally, the Empire is truly and really an Empire of Hypocrisy.

That is what Russia and all those Russians who refuse to condemn their President, country and people (who were forced into this war!) need to accept: while Russians have had no hostility towards the West until now, at least: this is now quickly changing according my my contacts in Russia. Even when the Soviet Communist system was battling AngloZionist imperialism worldwide, the Russian people always knew that the enemy is a ruling cast, an ideology, and some specific segments of society.

But never the people of the West.

Stalin once famously wrote the following words:

And that was, again, the hyper-villain and Uber-butcher Stalin! He said that in an official order dated February 23, 1942, while the German forces were engaged in truly genocidal mass murder all over the Nazi occupied Soviet Union.

In contrast, the Nazis not only wanted some areas to be declared Judenfrei/Judenrein while their modern-day heirs clearly want the world to be Russenfrei/Russenrein. And its not only the Poles who like to say “Poland up to the Urals, after that – China”, this profound acceptance of the total lack of value of any Russian life is now something very common in Zone A, and it will only get worse since “Biden” will now explain away all his (long list) of failures on Russia, Russians and personally Putin (the “new Hitler”, of course!).

In other words, Russians everywhere should fully expect to be shown less mercy by their western neighbors than the mercy the German people could expect from Stalin during WWII.

To give you an idea, here is what a red-blooded Romanian warrior tried to post in the comments section:

What can one add to such a lyrical statement? Maybe that Romanians left a “truly unforgettable legacy” in the Ukraine during WWII and the same spirit lives on in modern Romania? Or maybe that folks coming from a country with exactly ZERO agency would do well not to try to roar like a lion, but maybe squeaking like a mouse would make a better fit?

As for Russia and Russians, we will survive modern Nazis just like we survived their previous iteration. By then Russians will hopefully be a little more mature and a little bit less naive about our Urkonazi “brothers” or their masters from the Empire of Lies.

And, no, we will never surrender. Ever :-)

Speaking of surrender, here is a nice photo of some Russian soldiers with lots of western weaponry:

Finally, the “obligatory” maps! Today I won’t wait for Readovka, so here is an animation of the move of the frontline from RIA Novosti. Again, it is just a map which should NOT be trusted, but I think that it shows us something of value: how the front moved from day 1 to today, day 19.


What about the Nazi volunteers?

Turns out that one of them, something of a hero in Zone A, died within 20 mins of his first contact with the Russian forces (see here and here for details). The fact that Russia destroyed the NATO base in Iarovov probably does not help.

Which really leaves the Empire of Lies only one option: false flags.

Here is a good explanation from a guy in Kharkov:


Please watch the full video and listen to Lira’s arguments, he spells it out very well.

I will just add these simple comments one thing:

Do I really need to add anything?


PS: FYI – Readovka just posted their “red” map: